Save the Dates! Kingston Interfaith Celebrations

EVENT #1 – Potluck

The Canada 150+ Interfaith Kingston planning group invites you to participate in this special community gathering and potluck dinner.

Supported by a Canada 150 grant from the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area and PeaceQuest Kingston the goal of this event is to celebrate the contributions of the many traditions active in Kingston such as Bahá’í, Sikh, Buddhist, Muslim, Indigenous, Hindu, Christian, Jewish, and Unitarian. Representatives will offer something of their faith tradition or spiritual practice, followed by a sharing of food.

Rev. Elizabeth Macdonald, retired United Church of Canada minister and member of the planning group, sees this moment in Canadian history, “as providing an unparalleled opportunity for Indigenous peoples, Settlers, and New Canadians to explore how their various spiritual practices and faith traditions can address past injustices, improve the lives of vulnerable people and enhance the wellbeing of Kingston and area residents.”

According to Jeff McLaren, another member of the planning group: “The Canada 150+ Interfaith Potluck acknowledges how significant sharing food in community is for people everywhere, in every region and religion of the world. At this time of increasing division and hostility, our hope is that this event will help us discover our common values and move us to work together for the common good of all.

Attendees are invited to bring dessert or salad to share with a catered main course by Carol Maracle of Tyendinega. RSVP online at

Event #2 – Faith Communities Social Justice Action: Then & Now

Learn about our shared histories and hear stories of Kingston faith communities working for social justice. More details to be announced soon!

Wednesday December 6th – 7:00-9:00pm

Memorial Hall, Kingston City Hall.