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PeaceQuest KW September minutes

PeaceQuest KW Minutes

September 14, 2015

  • Attendance: Emily, Dwyer, Colin
  • Teacher workshop- Thursday, October 15th from 4:30-6:30
    • Refreshments- Dwyer could cover pizza or a light snack, depends on how many people end up coming
    • Colin had one response so far, was positive but the individual is unable to attend
    • Dwyer knows some who are interested, will bring it up at the next Educators for Justice meeting
    • Programming
      • Discuss white poppy campaign?
      • Have copies of the MCC “Another way IS possible” resource- developed last year for use in public schools during remembrance day
      • Have time for teachers to share their ideas/experiences
      • Maybe invite a few speakers- will talk to Sheila Sullivan, Marianna Worth, Katie Gingerich
      • Compile a list of additional resources that would be helpful
    • Advertising
      • Emily will develop a poster/write up blurb to share
      • Colin and Dwyer will disseminate with their contacts.
    • Symposium- Thursday, October 29th 6-9pm
      • Questions:
        • What is your group and what do you do (briefly)
        • What are some challenges that you think our community faces in peace work
        • What are assets in this community for peace work
        • What can we do to help each other? Is there room for collaboration?
      • Advertising
        • Emily will write up an agenda, send out invites
        • Groups to invite: CPA. WPIRG, LSPIRG, Interfaith Grand River, Ploughshares, MCC, Spiritual Heritage Education Network, PACS Soc/Peace Society, Quakers, Stirling, Rotary, Rotaract, Intercultural Dialogue Institute KW, Global Peace Centre Canada, Peaceworks, PeaceCamp, CJI, MCRS, Nonviolence Fest, CPT, Amnesty, Poverty sucks? Bob jonkman, educators for justice
      • Remembrance Day
        • Do we want to host a Remembrance Day event, like a speaker or something? Think about it for the next meeting.