You are viewing an archive of information posted by PeaceQuest Kingston between 2013-2019. For the latest information about the PeaceQuest Leadership and Education Initiative, visit our new website at

About Us

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Peace Quest is a non-profit, non-denominational, and non-partisan organization based in Kingston, Ontario that supports and facilitates peace-building initiatives across Canada.

PeaceQuest History in a nutshell

PeaceQuest was started in 2012 on the heels of the Canadian government spending tens of millions to celebrate the War of 1812 as a glorious struggle. A group of people in Kingston, Ontario decided to offer a different story of Canada and war as we mark the centenary of World War One. PeaceQuest seeks to commemorate World War One by organizing events that emphasize peace — a value that, we believe, Canadians cherish.

Wars are certainly important historical events, but PeaceQuest sees no glory in war. Wars are tragic failures in the conduct of human affairs. There are no winners.

With generous support committed donors across Canada including members of the Canadian Religious Conference, PeaceQuest seeks to mark the anniversaries of World War one with commemorations that emphasize peace. We are inviting communities across Canada to make common cause with city councillors and other politicians, theatre companies and choirs, faith communities and schools.

Who Are We?dove_1

Meet the members of our Steering Committee on the Meet the Team! page.

What’s next?

We’re working towards 2018, the centennial anniversary of the end of WWI with a national scale peace conference. We will be announcing opportunities for public participation over the coming months.

PeaceQuest is committed to celebrating these important national milestones by emphasizing and re-imagining our country’s commitment to peace and social justice. Canada’s sesquicentennial will be a fine time to also recognize the invaluable contribution of the Indigenous People in the building of Canada and the positive, peacemaking aspects of our shared heritage. As there can be no meaningful peace without justice, this is especially an occasion to work for meaningful reconciliation with Canada’s first peoples.

Lessons Learned

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Our monthly newsletter includes notable cross-Canada updates for the organization as well as event listings and volunteer opportunities in our hometown of Kingston, ON.

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